A Mano La Palma

"A mano" means "by hand", and the name is the program! Because everthing  you can find in our shop in Fuencaliente / Los Canarios is made by hand - either by ourselves or by aquaint artisans

If you spend your holiday on La Palma, we are looking forward to your visit.

This used to be our shop in Fuencaliente/Los Canarios. Due to the Covid19 pandemic, we where forced to close it. But we decided to open our workshop in Las Indias (also part of Fuencaliente) to visitors. Here´s how to get there:

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Coming from Fuencaliente, you take the road with the number LP 209 and follow it until you see the "km 3" sign. Turn sharp right about 30 meters behind it (be careful, there may be vehicles coming towards you). Drive straight uphill for about 100 meters. Then you will find us on the right hand side, directly opposite the Casa Rural (= vacation home) Casa Manuela.

If you want to visit us from the direction of Princess Hoteles - from this side the approach is extremely difficult. In this case please drive until you reach the rotunda and make a U-turn there.

Opening Hours

The gallery is open Monday to Friday from 10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. If you wish to visit us outside these hours, please make an appointment on +34 680825491 (also through whatsapp), also on short notice.

online shop

Unfortunately the online shop is only available in german at the moment due to technical reasons. However, we invite you to take a look, and if you like something, you can contact us here.

glass jewellery

Joyas de Cristal

precious and Semi-precious stones

The Beauty of nature

Coming soon...